Why Dragon Ball Super Fails As An Extension Of The Dragon Ball Franchise


Let’s get one thing out of the way before the potential questions start rolling in: when it comes to Dragon Ball, I’m a dub guy. As a kid growing up in the 90s, my first exposure to anime came from watching Dragon Ball Z on Toonami, so for me, I can’t separate these characters from their iconic English voice actors. To me, Sean Schemmel is Goku, Christopher Sabat is Vegeta and Piccolo, et al. I mention this to explain why, just a few minutes ago, I finally finished the final episode of Dragon Ball Super. It’s not because I was lagging, it was simply because I can’t separate these characters from the voice actors I heard growing up (I miss Linda Young, though). Continue reading

How I Met Your Mother, “Last Forever,” and What It Meant


How I Met Your Mother was a strange beast, wasn’t it? Airing only a year after the finale of Friends, I have a hard time believing anyone thought it would become the cultural behemoth that it did. Here was a story about a male lead character searching for the love of his life, the one, his other half–a concept that seems almost contrarian for its time. Love stories aren’t new in Hollywood, but they rarely focus on the male’s perspective, and at that time there was this idea–it still exists now, but to a lesser extent–that men were supposed to be pre-occupied by action movies and sports. Showing too much emotion was unmanly. Continue reading